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The Curiosity Club

Spinner Match Combo (Seasons, Senses, Transport)

Spinner Match Combo (Seasons, Senses, Transport)

Regular price ₹1,449.00
Regular price Sale price ₹1,449.00
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Detailed Description

Vehicle Match

Vehicles are the most exciting machines that children encounter from an early age. But there are so many types!
Zayn & Zoey’s Vehicle Match game brings to you an exciting way to categories all of them into the three modes of transport – Air, Water and Land.

Spin the wheel and match the vehicle with its mode.

Simple yet attractive graphics and effortless design makes the game an interesting one!


Different seasons, different attributes, numerous things to associate with each! What better way than learning all through a game?

Zayn & Zoey’s Seasons Match game offers exactly the same – an interesting way for a child to learn about the 5 seasons (Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, Winter, Spring) and the things that go with each – clothes, food, weather, things to do, colours, etc.

The game is designed in a way that is intuitive as well as attractive to enable easy understanding and quick reinforcement of concepts.


Everything we feel and understand about the world around us is because of our 5 senses – sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. The sense organs are our way to communicate and interact with the world.

Zayn & Zoey’s Senses Match game brings to you an interesting and fun way to identify the functions of each sense organ. The game designed in a fun way that enables easy understanding and association of objects with the respective senses



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